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Camera Gear: The First Step.

The very first thing when looking into the buying camera is to assess what it is you will primarily be shooting, whether it be videos or photos, it is a big deciding factor.

For example, if you are looking at videoing your skiing experience, ideally, you wouldn't want to worry about carrying down a DSLR down the slopes with you. In this instance, a Go Pro would be better suited to your needs.

Obviously, budget comes into consideration as i'm pretty sure we would all love to have the latest and greatest. But sadly, majority of us have to stick to basics. HOWEVER, don't let this put you down.

"If you don't have the eye for it, your tools become redundant." - Matt Beck Circa.2018

If you have the BEST gear that the world has to offer, but you're still focusing on how to take the most basic of pictures/videos. Then you have wasted a huge potential. For your first Camera, make sure it can fulfil the essentials of what you want to achieve. From there, through either editing or even a simple Instagram filter, you can then home in your skills behind the lens.

Once you have a purpose and a budget figured out. It is then an adventure down a long road of research...

Subscribe to this blog below as in the next Camera Gear step, we will venture into the realms of cameras...

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