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Kite Beach: Photo Opportunities

In Dubai, everywhere seems like a film backdrop. Today, with my assistant photographer/model, we wondered down to Kite Beach. A regular place for myself, but for Holly, it was a first. The beach was quite and open which meant that there was no extras we had to photo shop out.

Because of the time of day, it was like having a private beach.

For most of the shots, it was my trusty "Run & Gun" set up of my Canon 700D with the f1.8mm lens. For some of the shots, the lighting was a pain. The sun was hidden behind clouds but then moments later, it would just appear as almost to say "Hear I am!".

The reflections that were coming off the sand, helped to fill some of the shadows that were caused by either hair or by the wind blowing our clothes all over the place. It was v v windy.

My favorite two Photos of the day are the following:

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